Speak the Truth.
Write about past and present career experience, family ties, and potential job offers only when you have the correct documentation to back up your claims. For example, if you claim to own property back in your home country make sure you are able to attach legal proof in your statement.
Provide Strong Proof of Ties with your Home Country.
Proving strong proof of ties to your home country can come in the form of family members, or potential future employment. Do you have any home country obligations like financial support to your mother, father, spouse, or children?
Give Detailed Reasons Why You Choose Specific Courses and Institutions.
Always make sure you thoroughly research your potential courses and provide specific details on how they will benefit you throughout your GTE Statement. Remember to choose courses that are in line with your ultimate career goals back in your home country.
Demonstrate Thorough Research of your Future Industry.
You need to show your case officer that you care enough about your future career to demonstrate a working knowledge of industry growth patterns. You should also research and write about your improved chances of job placement with your newly obtained Australian education.
Talk About the Increased Value Each Course has to your Future Career.
First and foremost, you must provide adequate details on exactly how your Australian courses will improve your future career. Use the following details to prove your course value: Potential increases in wage, new career opportunities, and higher positions within your current company.
Explain your Previous Immigration History in Detail.
For example, include a list of work or travel visas you have obtained to any country. Secondly, it is important to elaborate on any incidents of overstaying your visa in any country.
Explain why you’re Choosing to Study in Australia VS. Another Country.
Because of the significant cost of studying and living in Australia, you need a good reason to study here. Instead of looking at courses in Australia that are generic, we suggest finding Australian courses that are of high educational rank.
Provide Documentation of Acceptance Letters or Course Applications.
Before submitting your Australian student visa application, gather all of your supporting documents. For instance, your course applications, university acceptance letters, or scholarship letters.
Provide Documentation of Ties to your Home Country.
Gather all of your supporting documents that prove you will return home after studying. For instance, do you own land in your home country? If you do, it’s a good idea to include copies of your land deed or home ownership.
Apply for Courses in the same Industry as your Previous Studies.
Our biggest piece of advice would be to find a career path and stick to it. Does Australia offer continuing education in your industry that your home country does not?
Make sure to create your own personal strategy.
It’s important to stand out from other applicants in order to increase your chances of getting the visa you want. For more information on creating an effective strategy, read on (click here)
We hope by reading this article that you learned a little more about how to write a GTE Statement. The requirements are tough, and if English is not your first language, it is imperative to seek help. You can download our awards-winning GTE/SOP sample here (CLICK HERE)
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